Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama's Change

Obama, according to me, is a great speaker. He wasn't as confident as a speaker in the beginning of his running, like he is now. Earlier, in the year, I found Obama to stumble in his wording. This stumbling caused me not to follow his campaign, but now all of that has changed. He has really worked diligently to improve his public speaking skills.

When Obama first started running in the election, he didn't have very much credibility. People complained that he lacked experience, he wasn't knowledgeable about foreign affairs, and that his plans about bringing the troops home or stabilizing the economy were vague.

Over the course of this presidential election, Obama has substantially increased his knowledge about the topics that Americans want resolved. Furthermore, he has demonstrated interests in the American people by addressing and proposing a resolution to the many problems America face.

Attractiveness is one reason I feel Obama is a successful speaker. At first, I wasn't familiar with Obama and this cause me not to respond to him with open arms. However, after mere-exposure, I began to listen to and like Obama's speeches. Although I am very similar to Obama, because I am African American, he was not my first choice. I chose him because he is really about "change."

Power is the most lacking skill for Obama. He is very willing and ready to give America what it wants and what it needs - "CHANGE."

I am interested in hearing what you think about Obama and how much power he has.

Ethos can be built in these areas by building intelligence, character, and goodwill.

1 comment:

emadden said...

I think Obama struggled with his words and public speaking at the beginning of his election because he hadn't gained any credibility yet, and he knew he was lacking experience and knowledge in comparison to the other candidates. Now, he is poised and sounds as if he can fix any problem... His public speaking skills have improved. It is funny to think about how important public speaking is; it can change an entire election.

I agree with you that perhaps Obama is lacking in some power, but I think he is gaining it quickly through the consistency and sincerity he demonstrates through each public appearance and his growing interest of the American people's needs.