Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No to Cyberspace

I have never had a relationship that was exclusively formed through cyberspace. Furthermore, cyberspace relationships don't even interest me.

I don't care to have this type of friendship because I don't trust the other person. In cyberspace you can be anyone you want to be. Everyone is not going to be truthful and genuine.

I never cared for cyberspace relationships. The closest that I came to this type of relationship was during the many online classes that I have taken. AND I don't plan to venture any further.


TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Settle4What! Do you think that there is a place for cyber relationships? By this I mean conversing with someone who possibly lives overseas that has the same religious view as you do? Or perhaps reading a blog where you comment constantly, and the other person comments back?

In past blogs you have mentioned religious themes quite a bit. And in this post you said, "...I don't plan to venture any further." Would you feel the same if you were keeping in contact with people of the same religious tradition as you, but simply have not met in person yet (sending encouraging words, prayer requests, bible versus of the day)? Would there be any possible advantage to this type of online relationship?

mcluhan prophecy said...

We have different bodies. The cyberspace body or our chip body has different needs from our chemical body. Some French philsophers think that we only have a chip body left.
McLuhan never thought that.