Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Research Method

Which research method in table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which Method would you choose to answer the question?

The research method that I found most interesting was Ethnography. I found this method to be exciting because it allows you to observe the subjects in their natural setting.

On the other hand, this research can be really risky. For instance, the text explained that some researchers may go undercover in order to understand why or how people may join a cult or how cult members recruit. I feel this research style is risky because the researcher has to play a very convincing role, while undercover. Who's to say that they will not be convinced themselves.

If I were to conduct a study about deception, my research question would be:

At what age do children start to display cues of deception? I ask this question because deception does require a higher cognitive load, thus causing a delay (sometimes) when responding to a question. However, children may experience high levels of cognitive load when asked a question because they are simply still learning and therefore are trying to decipher the correct answer; which may appear like they are lying.

I would use Survey Research in order to conduct this study.

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