Wednesday, November 12, 2008

technology. . . Technology. . .TECHNOLOGY!

Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text and respond to each one.

I feel that cellular phones are convenient, but if you are not careful they can become a nuisance. I'm bothered by cell phones when they go off during meetings and lectures. Although we may forget to turn them off sometimes, it still is distracting. Furthermore, cell phones are a problem when the person in front of you is driving and texting, still!

Answering machines were okay and sometimes they still are. I hate to have to listen to long recordings. If they don't get to the point quick enough, I may just hang up.
Faxes are great ways to communicate, especially when a document has to be signed and submitted quickly. However, I hate the junk mail that comes through the fax machine from solicitors! It wastes paper, ink, and my time.

Communication timing is crucial to any business practice. Timing can make or break a deal. This is especially true when telemarketers call me.

Screen names and ring tones says a lot about a person. Even if we feel that we shouldn't be judged by our screen names or ring tones, we are. So if you want to be known as professional then we must start being professional in all that we do.

Call waiting is a very important feature. Sometimes when I'm on the phone, with family, I'm waiting on another call. If I didn't have call waiting, my line would always be busy; which may frustrate the party calling. I know I can get a little tired of calling a number that's always busy.
However, it is important to know when it's okay to answer another call, while talking to someone on the other line. For instance, if I'm talking to someone about a sensitive matter, I'm not going to put them on hold to take another call. This will make me appear insensitive and disrespectful.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Settle4What? Are there other instances where you can recall where cell phones were a nuisance?