Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Filtering: What's Too Much?

The characteristics or behaviors that lead me to judge others as unattractive depends on the way they carry themselves verbally and nonverbally.

One thing that I find verbally unattractive is cussing. Especially, when it is done in excess. I, also, find it verbally unattractive to speak disrespectfully to others, especially your parents. I find it verbally unattractive to think it's fine to speak your mind and forget that people do have feelings, even if we may think whatever we have to say is the truth.

Something that I find nonverbally unattractive to me is when someone walks around with their nose in the air; translated: they are "too cocky for their own good." I find it nonverbally unattractive for a guy to smile at you and he hasn't brushed his teeth. . . and you can tell!

I can attest to the lack of a teeth brushing incident. One day this guy walks over to me, as his friends waited, and started talking to me. I believe he was asking me for my number or something. I couldn't really focus on the conversation because there was a major distraction in his mouth. He hadn't brushed his teeth and I could overwhelmingly tell. This was his first and last impression for me. Needless to say, there was no reconsidering about our future relationship.

To be honest, as I replay the situation, I could have missed out on a nice guy. I let a physical appearance effect my judgment.

As I think about Duck's filtering theory, it does make sense to me. However, if we are not careful we can be missing out on a lot of wonderful relationships or we can find ourselves in a "beautiful" nightmare!

To me, beauty is only skin deep. Beauty comes from within and projects itself outward. There are many people walking around who are physically attractive, but are ugly on the inside; and eventually that ugliness begins to rear its ugly head.


Cherry said...

Thank you for bringing up the fact that yes, you do agree with Duck's theory, but how we may be missing out on a really great relationship.

I too, am horribly turned off by bad hygeine, especially teeth. However, I am aware that I do not always carry a toothbrush with me and I may have encountered individuals who might have seen food in my teeth. So, I may have been judge based on my food in my teeth and that is a misrepresentation of me.

I also believe that someone can be attractive on the outside and ugly on the inside and enventually it will show its true self.

Thanks for sharing:)

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi settle4what! An interesting post here. I particularly like the personal experiences you shared here. Here is my question to you: What do you think are the deeper implications of your judgments? What does it say about a person who curses too much? Or, what is the implication when someone is disrespectful of their parents? What does is say about the person? And, what does it say about how that person treats other people in general? :)