Sunday, October 5, 2008


Although nonverbal messages are more universal than verbal messages, nonverbals do not always carry the same meanings in other cultures. An example of nonverbal behavior that is very contradictory to the Western culture is the "head nod," displayed by the Japanese culture.

The Japanese culture is dedicated in creating harmony. This is why when they are being given directions or something they will say, "yes" while shaking their heads. However, they are simply letting you know, "I hear you". This head nod doesn't always mean that you are understood nor do they agree with what you are saying. This nonverbal behavior is practiced for the sake of harmony and this behavior is very confusing to the Western culture.

Many facial expressions are universal. However, a study was done to see how Japanese men and Western men responded to disgusting pictures. The Western culture made disgusting faces when showed these pictures. Contrastingly, the Japanese culture smiled while looking at these pictures.

1 comment:

Steph_annie said...

Hi settle4what,

This information about Japanese culture really was interesting. I neve knew about any of that stuff! I really enjoyed reading the information regarding the facial expressions. It is weird how a society determines what is "normal" and what is not. While being raised in an environement, we may not ever question if our customs are universal and we may actually end up offending someone if we aren't informed correctly. It also makes me question if I have ever judged someone or formed some sort of opinion because of the persons traditional nonverbal communication. I may have believed that they were being disrespectful, but in relatity, their custome may have just been different. I try to be very open minded so I don't think I have ever been that judgemental before :o) Thanks again for all of the information!