Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Rock and A Hard Place

Pick one other concept in the book that you feel needs further discussion?

A concept that I feel that needs further discussion is equivocal communication.
Equivocal communication is a response that is given when you have to choose between two unpleasant alternatives.

For instance, if a friend suggests that she brings her special dish to your Christmas Party and you know it's not as good as she thinks, what do you tell her? Do you tell her how you really feel about the dish and requests she brings something else or do you let her bring it and come to realize by the end of the party that it's the only dish left. . . untouched?

There are many times that we have and will continue to face these scenarios. My daughter just turned 16 and one of her teachers got her a gift. The thought and gesture was wonderful. The gift was a jacket with a tank top. However, it was completely the opposite of how my daughter's style was.

I think further discussion needs to, not only give deeper insight in how to respond in such cases, but it would also be helpful to know how we should deal with responses that don't always feel good to us.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Concept (s) of Interest

What concept(s) in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about the concept(s) that you found interesting?

I found that the concepts of complementary and symmetrical patterns to be very interesting. These concepts were very beneficial because it allowed me to evaluate my relationships.

A complementary pattern exist when the power in the relationship is not balanced; one person has the upper hand. The symmetrical pattern both parties are fighting for the controlling position, even when at times it may not seem like it.

I've learned that I have a lot of relationships and the pattern of the relationship with each person is not the same. Upon studying these concepts, they allowed me to see the things I liked in my relationships and they also exposed the areas that I would like to do away with.

Research Method

Which research method in table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which Method would you choose to answer the question?

The research method that I found most interesting was Ethnography. I found this method to be exciting because it allows you to observe the subjects in their natural setting.

On the other hand, this research can be really risky. For instance, the text explained that some researchers may go undercover in order to understand why or how people may join a cult or how cult members recruit. I feel this research style is risky because the researcher has to play a very convincing role, while undercover. Who's to say that they will not be convinced themselves.

If I were to conduct a study about deception, my research question would be:

At what age do children start to display cues of deception? I ask this question because deception does require a higher cognitive load, thus causing a delay (sometimes) when responding to a question. However, children may experience high levels of cognitive load when asked a question because they are simply still learning and therefore are trying to decipher the correct answer; which may appear like they are lying.

I would use Survey Research in order to conduct this study.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No to Cyberspace

I have never had a relationship that was exclusively formed through cyberspace. Furthermore, cyberspace relationships don't even interest me.

I don't care to have this type of friendship because I don't trust the other person. In cyberspace you can be anyone you want to be. Everyone is not going to be truthful and genuine.

I never cared for cyberspace relationships. The closest that I came to this type of relationship was during the many online classes that I have taken. AND I don't plan to venture any further.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Building Workplace Relationships

The discussion of workplace relationships was an interesting topic for me.

For certain, when entering the workforce we don't always have the luxury of choosing our co-workers. In some cases this is very good because some people are prone to choose relationships that are not good for them.

However, upon entering a workplace of unfamiliar faces and attitudes, the transition can cause a little nervousness. A little nervousness is to be expected because you are not only learning a new position but you are also learning the norms of the workplace; which can be a complexed situation.

Learning the norms of the workplace isn't the hard part. The challenging part is being able to communicate effectively. Effective communication would require an individual to be able to respond to verbal and nonverbal cues. In the workplace, a major process when meeting new people/co-workers is learning their behavior and communication styles.

Upon observing and learning the communication styles of your co-workers, you must remember that you are in a professional setting. The workplace does require you to act, perform, and interact with each other in a certain way. This professional setting will alter the "real" behavior of some of your co-workers.

If behaviors are altered in the workplace, due to the norms, it is all the more challenging to build a personal relationship; if one chooses to.

Personal relationships can be great in the workplace. Unfortunately, some can manifest into a nightmare. Therefore, before building workplace relationships, it is crucial that a solid communication foundation is built and understood between all parties involved.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

technology. . . Technology. . .TECHNOLOGY!

Review the etiquette rules suggested in the text and respond to each one.

I feel that cellular phones are convenient, but if you are not careful they can become a nuisance. I'm bothered by cell phones when they go off during meetings and lectures. Although we may forget to turn them off sometimes, it still is distracting. Furthermore, cell phones are a problem when the person in front of you is driving and texting, still!

Answering machines were okay and sometimes they still are. I hate to have to listen to long recordings. If they don't get to the point quick enough, I may just hang up.
Faxes are great ways to communicate, especially when a document has to be signed and submitted quickly. However, I hate the junk mail that comes through the fax machine from solicitors! It wastes paper, ink, and my time.

Communication timing is crucial to any business practice. Timing can make or break a deal. This is especially true when telemarketers call me.

Screen names and ring tones says a lot about a person. Even if we feel that we shouldn't be judged by our screen names or ring tones, we are. So if you want to be known as professional then we must start being professional in all that we do.

Call waiting is a very important feature. Sometimes when I'm on the phone, with family, I'm waiting on another call. If I didn't have call waiting, my line would always be busy; which may frustrate the party calling. I know I can get a little tired of calling a number that's always busy.
However, it is important to know when it's okay to answer another call, while talking to someone on the other line. For instance, if I'm talking to someone about a sensitive matter, I'm not going to put them on hold to take another call. This will make me appear insensitive and disrespectful.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Organizations and the Environment

Organizations are tied to the environment because they depend on the resources and energy that the environment has. Organizations cannot survive without a healthy environment.

I live in Santa Cruz and I am a former student of Cabrillo College. Cabrillo is currently undergoing expansion, which looks to be completed soon. However, there is a great demand for this expansion because many people are wanting to go to college at the state level, because university costs are too expensive for them.

Although Cabrillo cost less than attending an university, the education you can receive is very rewarding. Cabrillo has some of the best instructors. Cabrillo College also has an obligation to the society to help produce independent hard working individuals.

In Santa Cruz, there was a problem of a lot of young men and women not wanting to attend a regular college setting. These individuals could only afford to go to college for a shorter amount of time to learn a trade. Cabrillo College heard of this out cry and started a program to help these individuals. However, the program is not only for the young but for the older population, as well.

On the other hand, before all of these expansions took place, at Cabrillo, the college was ethically obligated to address any issues that would pose a threat to the city of Santa Cruz. Some issues that could have posed a threat would be issues of public transportation, traffic build-up, and increased housing needs in the city.